Sunday, September 3, 2017

Scotland: Day 10: Loch Ness

On this day of our trip, we spent a lot of our day in the bus on the road. We drove from Inverness to Glasgow. And in case you don't know, that is about a 3 hour drive. However, we stopped a bunch of times to take pictures and stretch our legs.
We even stopped at the Loch Ness Visitors Center. It was very interesting. You travel from room to room to learn more about the legend and how it has been disproved. It was a little disappointing that it felt like they spent the entire time telling you about how the Loch Ness Monster isn't real. For those of us that just love the story of Nessie, we will forever live with the hope that she really does exist (I'm joking, mostly).
After our tour, we drove some more. We stopped a couple times to see the tallest mountain n Scotland (Ben Nevis) and a couple other good photo op areas.

When we finally reached Glasgow, it was kind of late. We went out to get some dinner and drinks. Perhaps it was because we'd had such fun in other cities, but Glasgow's nightlife just didn't meet our expectations. I'm disappointed that this was really our only time to judge the city. The next day we spent all of our time in a different town so we didn't get the chance to see all the cool things Glasgow had to offer us.

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