Tuesday, April 25, 2017

First, let me introduce myself...

Hi! So I've tried this whole blogging thing before, but it just felt like so much pressure. This time around, I'm going to make it simple and fun! Who's ready?

My plan is to have posts about everything I do as a mom...and some extras.
Like all the fun crafts we do.
And all the fun places we visit.
And all the super fun things we have planned for this summer!

So if you're ready. Let's get started!
But first, here's a picture of my sweet family and a little background on me.

I am a mom of a wonderful 7-year-old boy. I've been married for 5 1/2 years. I used to work as a preschool teacher. But then I discovered that I really enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom more than anything else so I chose to quit my job and devote all of my time to my family. And here we are. I love photography, crochet, pottery, singing, crafting, swimming, and just hanging out with my family.

Now that you know a little about me, let's kick this party off with a bang! Check out my next blog post for an awesome recap on a trip my family took last month!

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