Saturday, May 6, 2017

Vacation: Hollywood Studios

We arrived around 8:15am. They started letting people in around 8:45am. We immediately speed walked (not ran because that's frowned upon – although I did see people doing it) to sign up for Jedi training. Your child does have to be with you in order to sign up, but if one person in your party is particularly quick, it is okay to have them get in line and have your children jump in when the rest of you catch up to the line. The line can be a little confusing to people that don't understand it. You need to park your stroller before you get into it. Then, once the line gets long enough, the entrance to it is actually through the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular area. Just ask the man at the entrance to it and he will point you in the right direction. Now, I'm just estimating here, but I believe there are over 300 spots available for this at different times during the day. You do need to sign up first thing in the morning, but as long as you go straight there, you should get a spot. The earlier time slots do fill up faster so keep that in mind.

Our first ride of the day was Tower of Terror which we had a FP+ for. I'm so glad we did because by the time we got out of there, the wait time was over 90 minutes. It was so much fun. I just love the unexpected drops and the whole storyline behind the whole ride. I especially love the whole video you get with the ride photo.

Then we made our way over to our next FP+ at Star Tours. It was very cool and I hear that you hardly ever get the same ride twice because they have so many options on what can come next. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy those simulated rides. They even involve someone in your car to be the 'rebel' that the bad guys are looking for. Plus, they have updated it to include characters from the Force Awakens.

We then met Chewbacca and got our picture with him. He and Owen showed off their muscles. On our way out, we danced with some Jawas.

For our Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple, we got to the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost a half hour before our scheduled training (which is what they say to do). There, our son was given a water and told to sit on a circle with his ticket. Now, the way that it was done with our son was that there were 2 lines and they just put them in order of when they get there. We were smack dab in the middle for his group so he actually ended up being the first in the second line. This actually turned out great for us because the second line was the line that got to battle Darth Vader. So if that's what you want, I would say there's no reason to show up way before they tell you to. There's no advantage to it. Also, after they have their 2 lines, they sort the children shortest to tallest anyway so the lines get moved around a little. They are fitted with their robes and after each child has one, they're led out to where the parents are standing. Now, it is suggested at this point that only one person stay with the child while the rest of your party goes to find a place to stand to watch the show. The children are then paraded through the park to the stage where they will do their training. It's very cool and very special. The parents receive a photopass card to see the pictures that are taken during training afterwards. The 2 lines are placed (one on a higher stage and one on a lower stage) and the kids are presented with a lightsaber to use during training. They are taught a series of moves (ready stance, left shoulder, right shoulder, block, duck, cut to the head) and repeat those moves a number of times. There is a story about how the temple brings out your worst fears and out come Darth Vader and Seventh Sister. Each child gets to try out the series of moves they were taught to defeat their bad guy. In the end, all of the participants stand together to use the force to push them back into the temple. It is so amazing to watch and I seriously almost teared up watching how serious my little man took the whole experience. It was probably one of the greatest things from our whole trip and I greatly suggest it to any parent of a child between 4 and 12. And just to throw this out there, there were quite a few girls in the group my son was in. After they return their robes and lightsabers, the kids then are given a pin to commemorate their training and are returned to their parents.

We went to our FP+ at Toy Story Mania and it was so much fun. Instead of a gun like some shooting games, you actually pull a ball on a rope to make your 'cannon' shoot. My husband says to beware of forearm fatigue. We had a great time seeing who could get the highest score. It was a pretty close match between my husband and myself, but he ended up getting the edge on me and beating me in the end.
On our way out, we saw some cool Army Men walking around so we got a picture with one of them.

We stood in line for a very long time to meet Buzz and Woody. While the wait may have been an hour long, the line was at least more fun than just standing there. There were photo ops all the way around the twists and turns of the line. I thought it was a great way to keep people entertained while waiting. Not everyone took part in taking these pictures, but we sure did. While it may seem frustrating at times to get the pictures because people will inevidably stand in your way, just be patient and wait until the line has moved forward enough to take the picture you want. And if all else fails, just ask people to move. Most of them will do it.

We went to see Voyage of the Little Mermaid because it had a short wait time. It was okay. I wouldn't say it was great by any means though. It was nice to sit down in an air conditioned room for a little while, but I probably won't go see it again if when we go back. It's definitely skip-able. However, if you do go to watch it, try to sit more toward the middle. We were at the end of the line and ended up with seats way off to the side. It felt like we were missing parts of the show.

We met Kylo Ren who was just a little creepy, but still very cool for the little one.

Since we had used our three FP+ already, I was able to make another one for Beauty and the Beast – Live on Stage and it was great! It followed the story that we all know with a lot of the great musical numbers. I could watch that show again and again.

After the show, we stopped to get Mickey pretzels. They were good and how can you pass up anything that's shaped like Mickey? Then, we got one of the souvenir popcorn things that was shaped like a Tie Fighter. That was pretty cool.

And at the end of the day, we met Olaf. He definitely liked warm hugs and Owen was more than happy to give them to him. That was nice. Just know that generally, Olaf does not do signatures. They tell you this and give you a little circle where he has drawn his face and they've printed enough off for everyone, which was fine for us. However, he will do these drawings for some people as we saw the family in front of us that had all the characters signing a pillow case and we watched Olaf draw his face on it for them. We loved how even the characters that can't talk try to make meeting them a very pleasant experience.

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