Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kids Activity: Underwater Photography

Summer break has officially been here for about a month for us! And it feels like we haven't really done anything yet. So we're buckling down, and learning new things.

First on our list? Underwater Photography

I thought this would be a fun one to teach my little boy.
First, we talked about what underwater photography is. His Answer: When you take photos under the water.
I would say there is no simpler way to say it. He's right!
And what can you take pictures of under the water? His Answer: Fish, people swimming, plants
Right again! This is a lot easier than I thought it would be.
Now to the harder part. Can you come up with 3 ideas of pictures that we can take under water when we go to the pool later today? Well, this one took a little longer to answer and even took some pushing to get a full 3 ideas, but here they are:
1. Diving for toys
2. floating on your back
3. Spinning/flipping in the water
Now, I wasn't entirely sure how well we were going to execute all of these so there was a disclaimer I had to explain to him about how taking pictures under water is even harder than taking pictures on land so we might not get great pictures (especially since I was taking these pictures with my phone in a waterproof case).

Well, here goes nothing:
1. Diving for toys

2. floating on your back

3. spinning/flipping in the water

And there you have it. We learned a little something, made a plan, and tried to execute our plan. Overall, it was a great experience. I highly recommend doing this with your little ones.

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