Friday, July 14, 2017

Scotland: Day 1: Travel

Last month, I took a trip to Scotland with my church choir. It was so much fun! Here's a little bit about it.

Before we could get to Scotland, we had to travel there! And boy was that a long trip. It took hours and hours and hours to get there. We left around noon on Monday where we all met at the church and loaded our suitcases into the bus. Then, we rode 2-3 hours to the airport we would be leaving from. We of course got there super early (because why would you not when you're with a large group of people). When we finally boarded, we had about a 7 hour flight. Plus the 6 hour time difference. I ended up not sleeping at all on our flight so when we got there at 7am local time, I was exhausted. However, I wasn't jet lagged at all during our trip!

My tips for a long flight:
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Bring snacks if you're a picky eater. I felt like they gave up plenty of food on our flight and snacks would have been completely unnecessary had I actually liked the food they were serving.
3. Bring headphones. Even if you don't bring anything to watch movies on, most flights (especially international ones) have movies you can watch. And while they will hand out headphones, they're not that great. Bring your own for sure!
4. Don't overpack your carry-on. Honestly, you don't need that much stuff! They provide a pillow, blanket, food, drinks, headphones. You could totally get away with bringing a small purse if you really wanted to.
5. Be polite. Always try to consider everyone around you before doing things. Don't pack smelly snacks. Don't kick the people in front of you. Don't lean your seat back. Don't be too loud.

If you're taking a long flight, just try to go with the flow and have fun! Just think of all the great things at your destination!

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