Saturday, July 15, 2017

Scotland: Day 2: Edinburgh

Last month, I had this amazing opportunity to go to Scotland with my church choir. It was simply amazing and I had a great time.

After we arrived by plane, we immediately got onto our tour bus and took a bus tour of Edinburgh.

Tip #1: Please pronounce Edinburgh correctly! (ED-in-buh-ruh) I didn't think it would bother me too much, but I cringed and felt embarrassed any time someone in our group said it wrong.

Our city tour was okay, but it definitely wasn't my favorite. 1. It was raining so it was a little hard to see outside anyway. but 2. We were all just SO tired from our long trip.

We did get out of the bus to look around a little. It was fun. We saw a fudge shop and some pretty gardens.

We had a rehearsal, and then walked to our welcome dinner that night. It was okay. I was mostly focused on the fact that when we left, we got to go back to the hotel and sleep! But of course, by the time we got back to the hotel from dinner, I just couldn't sleep. It didn't feel like it was time yet. So my roommate and I walked to a store (in the rain), took some pictures with a castle (in the rain), and then finally walked back to the hotel (in the rain) and went to bed.

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