Friday, July 28, 2017

Photography: Shapes

I think it's so fun to introduce photography to young children so of course I would come up with little projects to do with my 7-year-old son this summer. For this one, I came up with a simple concept of adding photography and geometry and taking pictures of shapes. First, I told him that we needed to make a list of 6 2D shapes. He came up with octagon, hexagon, circle, square, triangle, and rectangle. I thought this was a great starting point. Then, I gave him my phone and sent him off to look for these shapes around the house. He was easily able to find a circle, square, and rectangle. It was slightly more difficult to find a triangle, but he still found it on his own. The harder ones I had to help him with. But that's okay! So in the end, we made this cute little collage of our shapes!

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