Sunday, July 30, 2017

Scotland: Day 4: Edinburgh

Scotland is so much fun! Here's what I did on Day 4 of my vacation.

We started the day by visiting Edinburgh Castle. Oh my goodness! It was seriously gorgeous. You can see this castle from so many different locations around town. But even more beautiful are the rooms inside this wonderful castle. There is so much history here. We spent quite a bit of time (about 3 hours, I believe) here and we still didn't see everything. We also didn't spend nearly as much time outside as we would have liked since it was raining (shocked, I'm sure). I think my favorite room was the room with the royal jewels. I have seriously never seen anything so beautiful! I saw a real life person! It was surreal. However, you are not aloud to take pictures in this room. Sad, I know. The best thing you CAN take pictures of are the AMAZING views of the city! I could have stood there and looked at those views forever.

After our great adventure through the castle, we walked to a place called "The Castle Arms" for lunch. It was very cool. The ceiling was fun to look at to see all the fun sayings that were artistically put there. I, again, had sausages for lunch. This time, they were put in a bread bowl. It was delicious! I would highly recommend this place to eat.

After lunch, we walked over to the Scotch Whisky Experience. It's definitely cheesy. But it's definitely fun! Do it! If you're on the fence about it, do it! First, you ride in a seat (that fits three) that looks like a super large whisky barrel. You go through this long winding "hallway" that explains how whisky is made. It is actually very informative regardless how cheesy it seems. Then, when the ride is finished, you are led to a room that has 3 rows of bench seating. You are given a card that has rub and sniff spots on it to follow along with a video that you watch to talk about the different kinds of whisky and the different regions it's made. Then, you are led into another room where you select the type of whisky that you want to taste. But you don't taste it yet. You are led into yet another room that has the world's largest collection of whisky where you are taught the proper way to taste. And you get to keep the glass! It was an amazing experience that I'm super glad we experienced.

We then walked around and did some shopping then headed back to our hotel. We freshened up and then headed back out for dinner. We went to the Gourmet Mash Bar. Oh my! It was amazing. Those were simply the BEST mashed potatoes I had ever had in my entire life and I will always compare every potato to those potatoes and I have a feeling nothing will ever live up to them! haha I'm kind of joking. But really, they were very good. And atop my potatoes was a very tender hunk of ox cheek. Oh boy, was it tender. Eat here!

After our amazing day, we had even more fun! We went to a couple bars and stayed out til the wee hours of the morning. I absolutely love the people that I hung out with, but for the safety of your feet, plan your adventures ahead of time instead of blindly following someone else's suggestions. We walked SOOO much more than we had to. It was horrible. That being said, here's where we went.
1. The Doric
This bar was fine. It wasn't amazing or anything, but it was a nice little quiet bar.

2. Halfway House
This is a very small bar, but it was fine. I wouldn't say it was overly cool, but we had fun.

3. Frankenstein Bar
This bar was so much fun. All of their drinks were themed around Frankenstein and they make them strong and delicious. However, they are kind of expensive. We had lots of fun here.

4. Finnegan's Wake
This was the last, and most fun, bar we visited. It's a decently-sized Irish pub on Victoria Street. They had a live band the night we were there (but I'm pretty sure they have a live band every night). They were so packed! It was just so much fun. They sang songs that everyone knew. The whole bar was singing along. Oh my gosh. I wish there was a bar like this where I live. We stayed for hours before finally walking back to our hotel.

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