Sunday, September 17, 2017

Daily Walks

Last year, one of the ladies that I'm friends with at my son's school suggested that we go for a walk before the kids get out of school to keep up our steps for the day and not be completely lazy. We were arriving at the school about a half hour before school ended anyway. (If you get there early, you get a good parking spot which means you get our of there early. Otherwise, it takes 20 minutes to get home instead of 5.) Then, after a couple of months, we decided to start walking in the morning as well, after we dropped the kids off at school. So here we are, back at school, and it's time to start walking again. I love these short little walks we take. It's a time to catch up and talk about everything going on in our lives. It's a time to talk to another adult (because sometimes I don't get much of that). And it's a time to get a little bit of exercise into my day. We probably only walk about 1.2 miles every day, but that's an extra 2500-3000 steps for me. And sometimes, especially if I'm working on a crochet project or typing something all day, that's about it for the steps I get that day. Just imagine if I chose to NOT go on these walks. I suppose the whole point of this post is to share with you that if my lazy butt can get up and walk a little each day, so can you! And that it's much easier when you've got a friend that will motivate you to keep moving. So just do it!

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