Sunday, September 10, 2017

Scotland: Day 11: Glasgow

I know that the title of this post says Glasgow and the reason for that is because we woke up in Glasgow and we fell asleep in Glasgow. However, disappointing for all of us, we didn't actually spend any of our time in Glasgow. I wish I had some things to tell you about this city, but I don't.

So we started our day by driving to Stirling where we stopped at the Church of the Holy Rude. It has the largest pipe organ in all of Scotland. It truly is a beautiful church. Anyway, we practiced and then set of to explore. Stirling is a great little town! It has so many cute shops and coffee shops and pubs. You could easily walk a great distance. After an hour or so of exploring, we had our concert. It went pretty well.

After the concert, we got something to eat and then explored some more. When our bus finally arrived, we were ready to go. And we drove to St. Mark's Parish Church of Scotland in Stirling. We had practice again and then changed into our formal concert attire. We had our last concert of the trip, which was definitely our best. And then we drove for a little back towards Glasgow to get a late dinner. It was pretty good. I'm not sure why they had us eating at so many Italian restaurants on our tour of Scotland, though. Oh well. We all had a great time. We ended up getting back to our hotel very late where we all had to pack everything up because our wake-up call was coming in just a few hours.

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