Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bubble Painting

A couple months ago, I had tried the bubble painting technique on a piece of pottery I was working on. I thought it had turned out pretty good. Then, I thought, "I bet my son would enjoy doing this!" After all, what kid doesn't like to blow bubbles in their drink. And this time, you don't even have to tell them to stop!

This is very easy. It doesn't take a lot of prep work and kids have so much fun. So first, you need to put something under your work so that you don't make a huge mess. I used a box. Then, mix together some dish soap, paint, and water. I didn't meausure anything. You need water to thin out your mixture, but you don't want too much or the bubbles won't have enough color. I mixed it all together with a straw and then let my little guy start blowing into the cup. The bubbles started flowing out after a while and made a beautiful little mess onto our paper. We quickly cleaned everything out and then tried again with a different color. And that's how we made our bubble art! Amazing!

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