Friday, September 15, 2017

Scotland: Day 12: Traveling Home and Scotland Recap

We woke up VERY early so that we could catch our flight home. It was possibly one of the most exhausting days of my life, but I was so glad to be heading home to my son, husband, and dog.

Our flight back to the United States went very smooth. However, our second flight was delayed multiple times and I ended up getting home a couple hours later than expected after our 2 hour bus drive. But that's not what's important. What's important was that we got home safe. And we all had a fantastic time. I will remember these moments forever.

Now that I've told you all about my trip, let's recap.
Scotland: Day 1: Travel Day
Scotland: Day 2: Edinburgh
Scotland: Day 3: Edinburgh
Scotland: Day 4: Edinburgh
Scotland: Day 5: St. Andrews
Scotland: Day 6: Aberdeen
Scotland: Day 7: Inverness
Scotland: Day 8: Inverness
Scotland: Day 9: Inverness
Scotland: Day 10: Loch Ness
Scotland: Day 11: Glasgow
I hope that if you ever get the chance, you will enjoy Scotland as much as I did. It was amazing and I absolutely loved every second of it.

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