Sunday, January 28, 2018

Yearly Christmas Photo Frame

Since the first Christmas my husband and I spent together, his mom has bought us the yearly holiday Hallmark frame. Every year, they come out with a new frame (that has the year on it). Sometimes, it's a simple silver frame while other years, it lights up and everything! At first, we thought it was kinda cute. But now, we're super excited to see what it looks like and put our family Christmas photo in it and add it to our collection. We've celebrated 9 Christmases together and look forward to adding to it every year. I can't wait to see what our collection looks like in 20 years! I think this is a great tradition to start with your own family. We only bring out these frames at Christmas time so it's always a nice experience looking back over all the years as our family has evolved.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Winter Cupcakes

A couple weeks ago, I was in charge of making cupcakes for our monthly choir treats night. The person I was paired up with wanted to do a winter wonderland theme so I was off on a mission to make my cupcakes look like they were ready for a winter wonderland. For the base, I made 2 batches: a simple chocolate cupcake and a simple vanilla cupcake. I was kind of in a hurry so I didn't have time to get crazy with my flavors. Besides, this post is about the decoration, not the recipe.

Since I was making 2 batches (about 44 cupcakes), I started with 32 oz of white frosting. Then, I added just a few (about 6) drops of blue food coloring. I didn't want it to be too blue, just more of like a subtle ice blue. I piped the frosting on top of the cupcakes (make sure they're completely cool first) and let them dry. I sprinkled a couple of them with glitter sprinkles to make it look like snow.

Then, I made the white chocolate snowflakes. I traced some snowflake designs on a piece of wax paper. Flip the wax paper over. Melt some almond bark. Put the melted almond bark in a squeeze bottle. Pipe/Trace the snowflakes. If it's too hot, wrap the bottle in a towel. Let the snowflakes dry completely before trying to take them off the wax paper and placing them on the cupcakes. I even added some blue sugar sprinkles to some of them.

After my choir practice, I put together my cupcake tower and placed them all on there. Everyone kept complimenting me so I think they turned out perfectly for what I needed them for. The tracing technique for almond bark is such a simple thing that it makes it useful for any occasion.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Family Sleepover

I started this reward program in my house for my son so that he could work toward earning things by doing his chores and other things. For right now, he can earn a point for the following things: feeding the dog, cleaning for 15 minutes, reading for 20 minutes, doing his homework, and being good at school (that's been a struggle). Well, he can buy push pops and small toys with his points or he can save them up for an Epic Sleepover! He goes back and forth, but our favorite thing is definitely the Epic Sleepover! We always do these on Fridays. Here's how our day goes:

5pm: Do a fun craft
5:30pm: Eat dinner
6pm: Watch a movie
6:30pm: Eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate
8pm: Everyone goes to bed either in our room or on the floor in the living room!

We always have such a blast and this is definitely one of my son's favorite days! We usually end up doing this about once a month or so.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Recipe: Caramel Apple Moscow Mule

Sometimes, my family needs to schedule our Christmas celebration on a day other than Christmas in order for everyone to be able to see all of their families (think in-laws). This year, we had our get-together the Saturday after Christmas. And since we had all eaten such big, traditional meals on Christmas, we decided to do a bunch of appetizers. I brought a maple pecan dessert dip with nilla wafers and teddy grahams, eggnog, and ham and cheese croissants. There was more than enough food. But you know what really sticks out in my mind? It was the caramel apple moscow mules that my sister made! They were delicious! Here's how she made them:

3 parts apple cider
2 parts ginger beer
1 part caramel vodka
splash of caramel syrup
stir with a cinnamon stick
garnish with an apple slice

I'm not a huge drinker, but I had about 3 of these! They were so good! If you think it's a little sweet, you can leave out the caramel syrup. There were a couple people who left out the cinnamon stick (but I think it helps to cover the ginger beer taste – which I'm not a fan of). I hope you'll make this drink at your next get-together. It was definitely a hit with our family!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Las Vegas: Kid Friendly Activities

There are lots of kid-friendly things to do around the strip in Las Vegas. These are just a few of our favorites!

Agents of Shield – I didn't personally do this, but my husband and son did and they had an absolute blast! We got discounted tickets so it was a pretty good deal. It's like a museum of everything Marvel, but then at the end, you are sent on a mission! There weren't a lot of people there when they went so one of the employees helped them with their mission to help them get through it a little faster. I believe they spent about 1.5-2 hours there.

Coca Cola – We got the float tasting tray and the internation soda tasting tray. There was more than enough for all four of us to share and get a good taste of everything. There were some that were very interesting and delicious and others that practically made us gag. But what a fun little game! It's almost like the soda version of Bean Boozled!

MnMs World – I truly had no idea how you could get 4 stories our of MnMs! I mean, how many different varieties could there be? Well, they don't just sell those little chocolate candies. We didn't buy a lot, but it was fun to walk around and see everything. Plus, there's a 4D movie (about 15 minutes) that they show. And there are plenty of cute little photo-ops. Plus, there's a racecar on the top floor!

Hershey World – How can you go wrong with chocolate, right? We took so many fun pictures and just loved looking at everything. They had a cool little station with tablets where you could design your own Hershey's bar wrapper.

Mandalay Bay's Aquarium – My son and I decided to go to this one by ourselves. He just loves fish! And we always have tons of fun at aquariums. We've been to quite a few and we really enjoyed this one. I love the way that it's set up so that you start in one place and then follow a walkway through the aquarium so that you don't miss anything. It can be a little on the pricey side though.

Bellagio Fountains – This is a fun little free activity. We decided to watch this after dark on our way back to our hotel. We got there just as one of the shows was ending so we picked out a prime spot when everyone was leaving and then sat on the sidewalk while we waited for the next show to start. We had been walking all day and were completely exhausted so it was nice to rest for a moment. And the show was absolutely beautiful! We just loved the way the music and the water and lights worked together to make a wonderous show for everyone to see. We caught the beginning of the next show when we were walking inside the Bellagio and it was a completely different show so just because you've seen it once doesn't mean you've seen everything it has to offer.

Las Vegas Welcome Sign – This sign is quite the hike at the south end of the strip. I would even say it's past the south end of the strip. But to me, it's just so iconic that you have to go. We ended up visiting literally days after the mass shooting so there were tons of flowers and other things from people paying their respects. There was a man there to take your picture accepting tips. That was nice because I didn't know if we would be able to rely on the kindness of strangers to take one for us. And everyone did a pretty great job of standing in an organized line to get their picture taken.

High Roller – If you ask, my son will tell you that this was the coolest thing we did while we were in Vegas. It is definitely an amazing sight to see! We went after dark (which is a little more expensive than going during the day). And I'm so glad we chose to pay the extra cost. It was absolutely gorgeous! The trip lasts about a half hour. There's music playing and a TV that shows you where you are on your journey and has random trivia facts. There's clearly enough room for like 20-30 people in there, but ours only had 8, which was kind of nice. You can probably only fit about 10 people sitting.

Gondola Ride – Even though it was pretty expensive, we decided to take a gondola ride. It was so much fun though! I love that your gondolier sings to you the whole time. It can be romantic, but we brought our son with us. And he just had a blast.

These were some of our favorite things on this trip that we did with our son (who is 7) so we consider them to be kid-friendly! I hope that if you take a trip to Las Vegas anytime soon, you'll consider doing some of these things.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Las Vegas: Minus5

The whole reason for our entire trip was to celebrate my husband's 30th birthday. He had been to Vegas once before when he turned 21 and was really excited to come back. Well, one thing I had found while doing my research was this super cool bar called Minus5. There are a couple different locations including the one we went to at Mandalay Bay, plus one more at the Venetian. I think there's also one at Monte Carlo, but it's closed right now. There's also one in Orlando, Florida and one in New York City. My husband and I love the cold. Hot weather is not quite our favorite thing so we were jumping at the chance to sit in a room filled with ice while we were hanging out in the desert. We visited during an “off time” (about 5pm on a Sunday) so we were actually the only 2 people in the room. To some, this could be seen as a negative because technically, this is a bar and some people enjoy more of a party atmosphere. However, for the two of us, we were perfectly content sipping on our drinks in our ice glasses, hanging out, being able to talk, just the two of us! It was so much fun! We were able to walk around and see ALL of the amazing ice sculptures without anyone sitting or standing in the way. We stayed about an hour. It is a little on the pricey side, but we were able to get a discounted price by buying our tickets through tix4tonight.

The one downside is that they have you put all of your personal items in a locker, including your cell phone and/or camera so you can't take any pictures while you're in the bar. At first, that really bummed us out! So we asked the bartender about it and he told us they would take pictures for us that we could buy. That was totally fine with us so he went to go get someone to take our picture. The woman came in and took about 5 different pictures of us. And since we were the only 2 people in there, we were able to pick anywhere we wanted to take our picture! Then, when we were ready to leave, we chose our 3 favorites and bought them. They printed them out for us and also sent us an e-mail with the pictures so we could have a digital copy as well. I believe the cost for our 3 pictures was $40.

We had so much fun at Minus5 and I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind the cold. My sister and brother-in-law also visited a month after we did and they also had fun.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Las Vegas: Mandalay Bay

We had so much fun at Mandalay Bay. We visited just a couple days after the shooting in October of 2017. There were a couple things that were a little different like checking-in at a different location than normal and a little extra security.

To start, check-in wasn't too terrible. Everyone always complains about waiting hours and hours to check-in, but as long as you know about this in advance and plan for the worst, you'll be pleasantly surprised if it only takes an hour!

Our room was great! It was decorated in a classy, yet comfortable way. The bathroom was HUGE and included a toilet, bath, separate shower, and a large sink. The room itself had 2 queens beds, a chair and side table, dresser with a TV on top, desk with chair, and 2 closets. We had more than enough room for the 4 of us (myself, husband, son, and mother-in-law). We definitely made sure not to even bump the mini fridge. We definitely didn't want to end up paying for something we didn't use.

The casino was fun! Since we had our 7yo son with us, we gambled in pairs. There were times when we were up and times when we were down. But we didn't come to Vegas to make money. That's for sure. During one trip to the casino, we started with $50, played for 3 hours, and ended with $50. And during that time, we had a couple drinks, joked around a lot, and had a TON of fun! So I would say that we were up even though we didn't technically make any money. As for the smoke, I thought it was pretty nice in there. The only time I noticed a smokey smell at all was when I was sitting directly next to someone that was smoking.

We went to a couple different restaurants while we were in Vegas. The ones we visited at Mandalay Bay include:
Bayside Buffet: I know that Vegas boasts their buffets and you have to try at least one while you're there, but this one just really didn't impress me, especially for the exorbitant cost!
Citizens Kitchen & Bar: We ate breakfast here and it was fabulous! The crab cake bendict was delicious! In fact, everything was delicious! They have a great selection for breakfast including a large bloody mary that boasts shrimp, crab leg, and beef jerky!

We also had takeout here for dinner one night. We got sandwiches and chicken fingers and disco fries and mac and cheese and everything was pretty good. It wasn't amazing, but it hit the spot. So if you only get to eat one meal here, make it breakfast!
Orchid Lounge: We ate breakfast here one day. They have a small selection of breakfast pastries and specialty coffees. It was a nice little place to stop, nothing extraordinary, but fine.
Seabreeze Cafe: We ate here for lunch and enjoyed it. The décor is simple and elegant. The food is decent and not too overly priced (which is nice in Vegas). I wouldn't say it was anything too special, but it was fine. We had sandwiches, soup, and mac and cheese. And in case you were wondering, yes, apparently we do eat a lot of the same foods on repeat! I didn't even realize that until I was writing this.

There are a bunch of places to shop along your route to the Luxor in the shoppes at Mandalay Place. Most of them sell a lot of the same stuff that you'll find in other shops at other resorts on the strip. We were able to get a couple small souvenirs. My son's favorite “store” by far was Lick! It's a candy store towards the beginning of the shoppes. They have just about every candy you could want. How fun!

Remember how I said we gambled in pairs? Well, I hope that you didn't think my son and whoever was with him just sat around waiting for the other two people to get back. For example, while my mother-in-law and husband gambled, my son and I decided to visit the aquarium! It was a blast! If all 4 of us had gone, I would have said it was a little pricey. But since it was just the two of us (the only two that really would have enjoyed it anyway), it wasn't too bad. Plus, we had a coupon for Owen's ticket to be discounted (which we received from one of the restaurants on property).
So once you buy your ticket and enter, they take a couple pictures that they clearly want you to buy afterward (we chose not to). Then, you get to see all the cool underwater animals that are showcased. You start with the alligator and end with a HUGE tank of sharks. Plus, there are jellyfish, a touch tank full of rays, lots of specialty fish, a walk-through tunnel, and tons of other things in between. I definitely recommend taking a little trip through here if you have the time, especially if you have a coupon!

One of the things that makes Mandalay Bay such a family-friendly resort is the pool/beach area. It's a blast! We only visited this area once while we were there because we planned so many things during our trip, but it was well worth it and we ended up spending about 3 hours there. We would have spent more, but the kid and grandma got hungry!
We spent most of our time in 2 areas: the wave pool and the lazy river.
Here are my tips:
1. Crowds are sometimes unpredictable. Don't stress about it. I read in so many places that the pool area was busy all the time and during any time of year and that if you wanted a lounge chair, you needed to get there early to put your stuff on one. Well, we got there at 11am on a Sunday and there were PLENTY of chairs available so I was stressed out for nothing!
2. Get a tube for the lazy river, especially if you have kids. We just brought a tiny one we had at home for our son and that was good enough for us. But if you can't bring one from home, you will probably want to get one from the resort. I think they run around $25. There are so many people WITH tubes that if you're small and you don't have a tube, you might just get run over so it almost becomes dangerous, especially since most people don't care about anyone but themselves so they tend to not care if you drown.
3. Know that the waves aren't like your average wave pool! One wave only comes about every 3-5 minutes (I can't remember the exact amount of time). It's weird, but also fun!
4. There are plenty of towels at the pool. It's easy to grab some on your way into the pool area and drop them off before you leave.
Overall, we had a great time while we were at the pool/beach area. And you should definitely visit it if you stay at Mandalay Bay.

We absolutely loved our time at Mandalay Bay and we would definitely consider staying here again if and when we come back to Las Vegas. It was so much fun!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Las Vegas: Blue Man Group

We were only able to make it to one show while we were in town and we chose Blue Man Group! A couple reasons this was our pick include 1. Price 2. Location 3. Kid-Friendliness. We got there early. But there's really no reason to. The line was really long and wrapping around the inside of the Luxor. And since seats are reserved, there isn't really an advantage to getting there before anyone else. Plus, they didn't start letting anyone in until about 20 minutes after the posted time of doors opening.

By the time we got inside and to our seats, we only had about half an hour before the show started. And they did a pretty good job of entertaining everyone. The show is very entertaining. And there is a lot of audience participation. But don't dare show up late.

And after the show, if you stick around for a little bit, the people in the show will take a picture with you. We just got the drummers though because the line for the Blue Man Group were way too long and it was already past my bedtime.

We definitely had fun though and would absolutely recommend seeing the show. Our group ranged from 7 to 52 and every one of us enjoyed ourselves.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Who's Ready for New Years Resolutions?

I am! I am! I have so many goals this year! I just want to improve my life so much! It's so much fun and I just can't wait for my life to be where I want it to be! So, here we go.

1. Post on my blog on a regular basis. I make this resolution every year and every year I get closer to actually doing it! Last year, I posted every month. In November, it was literally just once that month, but it's much more regular than I've ever done in the past. So this year, I'm going to try for every week!

2. Post on Instagram every day. I think it would be so fun to post a picture on Instagaram every day for a year and then make a book out of the photos.

3. Organize my house! I just haven't had the motivation to get up and clean my entire house. And it just gets so messy so fast! I think the best way to tackle this horrible mess of a house that I have is to get rid of SO much stuff. We need to declutter. We just have way too much stuff. So we're going to declutter and organize our entire house this year! That also means having a huge garage sale! It's going to be epic. I can just feel it.

4. Improve my house. We still need to finish my office/craft room. I'm just so looking forward to this room being done. It's going to help greatly in my organizing efforts. Plus, we need a new sliding door in our dining room/kitchen.

5. Be a better planner. I love to plan. But recently, I've been planning small things with my son, and then we end up sitting around, with me watching TV while he plays on his phone instead of doing the planned activity I had for us. It seems great at the time to get some rest, but then at the end of the day when I think about all that we did, I realize it was nothing. We did nothing and that just doesn't seem like fun and I'm not impressed with us at all.

What are some of your New Year's resolutions or goals? I think that even if my resolutions are completely unattainable and ridiculous, my goal is to be a more improved version of myself at the end of the year compared to myself at the beginning of the year whether that happens with my parenting, weight, attitude, abilities, or anything really!