Monday, January 1, 2018

Who's Ready for New Years Resolutions?

I am! I am! I have so many goals this year! I just want to improve my life so much! It's so much fun and I just can't wait for my life to be where I want it to be! So, here we go.

1. Post on my blog on a regular basis. I make this resolution every year and every year I get closer to actually doing it! Last year, I posted every month. In November, it was literally just once that month, but it's much more regular than I've ever done in the past. So this year, I'm going to try for every week!

2. Post on Instagram every day. I think it would be so fun to post a picture on Instagaram every day for a year and then make a book out of the photos.

3. Organize my house! I just haven't had the motivation to get up and clean my entire house. And it just gets so messy so fast! I think the best way to tackle this horrible mess of a house that I have is to get rid of SO much stuff. We need to declutter. We just have way too much stuff. So we're going to declutter and organize our entire house this year! That also means having a huge garage sale! It's going to be epic. I can just feel it.

4. Improve my house. We still need to finish my office/craft room. I'm just so looking forward to this room being done. It's going to help greatly in my organizing efforts. Plus, we need a new sliding door in our dining room/kitchen.

5. Be a better planner. I love to plan. But recently, I've been planning small things with my son, and then we end up sitting around, with me watching TV while he plays on his phone instead of doing the planned activity I had for us. It seems great at the time to get some rest, but then at the end of the day when I think about all that we did, I realize it was nothing. We did nothing and that just doesn't seem like fun and I'm not impressed with us at all.

What are some of your New Year's resolutions or goals? I think that even if my resolutions are completely unattainable and ridiculous, my goal is to be a more improved version of myself at the end of the year compared to myself at the beginning of the year whether that happens with my parenting, weight, attitude, abilities, or anything really!

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