Sunday, January 21, 2018

Family Sleepover

I started this reward program in my house for my son so that he could work toward earning things by doing his chores and other things. For right now, he can earn a point for the following things: feeding the dog, cleaning for 15 minutes, reading for 20 minutes, doing his homework, and being good at school (that's been a struggle). Well, he can buy push pops and small toys with his points or he can save them up for an Epic Sleepover! He goes back and forth, but our favorite thing is definitely the Epic Sleepover! We always do these on Fridays. Here's how our day goes:

5pm: Do a fun craft
5:30pm: Eat dinner
6pm: Watch a movie
6:30pm: Eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate
8pm: Everyone goes to bed either in our room or on the floor in the living room!

We always have such a blast and this is definitely one of my son's favorite days! We usually end up doing this about once a month or so.

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