Saturday, February 3, 2018

Craft Fair

In December, I had a booth at my second ever craft fair. I think the hardest part so far is getting enough inventory. The second hardest part is putting together an attractive display.

First, let's talk about inventory. My 2 best sellers were ornaments and stuffed animals. Next time, I definitely plan to make more of those 2 things. I didn't sell as many hats as I thought I would. So it just goes to show you that things you like and what you think is going to sell really well, may not be what everyone else is willing to buy. My profits have not been as high as I would like them to be. But my second craft fair went better than my first. So I'm willing to keep trying and hopefully, it will just keep getting better.

Now, for the display. My first fair was just embarrasing. I cringe just thinking about it. I had 2 tables with no covering. I used plastic crates for my display. For my second fair, I thought a little more about the display. I made a spinning tree for my key fobs. I used a wooden crate this time. And my husband made me some wooden stairs to display my stuffed animals. I did think to bring a black table covering for my main table. But then I decided to use a second table and last minute, threw an old blanket on it so they didn't match at all. Next time, Im going to try to make it look a little more cohesive. Ah! We all have goals, right?

I think the biggest take-away is to keep learning and keep evolving through each one. And if you want to buy something from my crochet business, feel free to head on over to where I sell finished items AND patterns!

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